How to Confidently Speak in Front of Audiences from 10 to 10,000

Promote Your Message, Grow Your Business or Make a Living as a Professional Speaker in this Live Professional Speaker Training Held in Chicago, Choose Your Date Later, and Los Angeles!

"There's no better way to sell products, grow your business, impact people and change lives than speaking. I've created a speaker training by modeling the 'best of the best' which will eliminate all stage fright and have you speaking like a pro in no time!"

Michael StevensonFounder of Ethical Marketing Academy

What do People Like Tony Robbins, Les Brown, T. Harv Eker, Brenden Burchard, Jack Canfield have in common?

The answer: None of them were born speakers! Each of the people above defied the odds, switched careers, and they became successful speakers, each with their own simple message. The fact is, whether you know it or not, you have the potential of becoming a great speaker. Just like they did.

There's a message inside of you, waiting to get out and people who need you are waiting.

Imagine being empowered with the most powerful sales tool in the world to grow your business, help more people and make more money.

Or maybe you have an inspirational message that will change lives... Imagine being paid to travel the world and share your message with millions.

Speaking to Profit is the training that turns ordinary, average people into stunning, captivating speakers who can command the attention of thousands and influence millions.

This Speaking to Profit live training is all about teaching you how to tell your story and move people from the stage to promote your business, support your cause or make a lucrative living by becoming a professional speaker.

In the last decade, we have trained some of the most dynamic and successful speakers in the field, and now he's stepping up to train more speakers than ever before.

Many of our speaker graduates are speaking now to boost their business and even getting paid to speak to live audiences. Imagine supplementing your income with $10,000 /yr to $100,000 /yr or more, just by speaking to people!*

"By far the most intensive and productive speaker training I've attended in my career!!! I strongly recommend this life transforming event."

"Even if you're not a platform speaker, it will elevate your ability to communicate and deliver your valuable message."

-Ruben Mata, STAND Development

Former graduate of two other speaker trainings. Did not become a professional speaker until graduating from our course.
Recently spoke at the United Nations in New York, USA and in Seoul, South Korea at an event with over 200,000 attendees.

Many of our graduates have called his speaker training the most important training you'll ever attend. If you're ready to propel yourself to success, now is the time to do it.

Why Become a Speaker?

There are at least four great reasons you'll love being a speaker:

  • Lifestyle: You want to live a lifestyle full of freedom, travel and fun and you want to leave the cubicle behind
  • Money: You want to make a great living doing something fun and easy and you know speaking can be very lucrative and speaking is the most powerful sales tool in the world
  • Mission: You have a purpose for speaking and you want to change lives and help people
  • Message: You have a business and want to help more people, increase sales, make more profit and have more freedom by selling one-to-many instead of one-to-one

Here's What You'll Learn in this Powerful Five-Day, Hands-On Professional Speaker Training

In this professional speaking training, you'll learn how to become an authority and an expert speaker in any field you desire.

You'll learn powerful principles that will have people mesmerized by your message and saying, "that was the best speaker I ever heard," with the following:

  • Kiss Stage Fright Goodbye and Eliminate Nervousness and Feel Confident and Comfortable on Stage
    If you've ever had a fear of public speaking or performance, get ready to kiss it goodbye. In this course, we'll completely eliminate any areas of fright you might have using proven processes from Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP, the science of the mind) and TIME Techniques™. Before long, you'll actually be excited about going on stage!
  • Learn and Practice the 30 Behaviors of an Excellent Speaker
    Learn how to give incredible speeches, presentations, seminars and trainings. You will master each of the 30 behaviors common to some of the most incredible masters at the art of professional speaking. We will be using multi-level teaching and tools such as NLP and accelerated learning to layer them in through a powerful anchor called the "Speaker's State" so they actually become automatic and part of your speaker persona and how you are on stage.
  • Influence, Persuade and Deeply Move Your Audience
    You'll learn techniques for teaching and communicating with your audience both at the conscious level and at the subconscious level for maximum impact.

    You'll learn the most cutting-edge techniques for influencing and persuading your audience subconsciously to connect deeper and get better results than 99% of other speakers in the world. The best speakers in the world use this technique to create massive and rapid rapport and transformation within their audience.
  • Create and Use Emotional Triggers From Stage
    Learn the secrets of amazing presenters like Anthony Robbins and T. Harv Eker, and how they use the stage to anchor and trigger emotional states in their audience. This is an extremely powerful technique that only a handful of the best speaker know.
  • Understanding Learning Styles So People Really Listen to You and Remember What You Teach
    By now, you probably realize that not everyone learns in the same way. There are years of research behind this concept, and we'll teach you the secrets of teaching to people with diverse sets of learning styles, and how to communicate to each one in such a way that nobody gets bored, everyone stays riveted to you and everyone learns easily.
  • Connecting with Your Audience
    We will share with you incredible ways to get a "feel" for your entire room, create a personal connection and rapport with everyone in your audience (no matter the size), and how to deal with hecklers and trouble makers. This connection is the missing piece that average speakers crave, but exceptional speaker are natural at.
  • How to Tell a Captivating Story
    Speaking legends such as Les Brown and Zig Ziglar made their name by telling amazing stories. You'll practice the most powerful techniques for creating and delivering riveting, "hypnotic" stories that will have your audience captivated and enthralled with your talk.
  • Controlling the Energy of Your Room
    Have you ever seen a presenter who you just felt had a great energy? You'll learn how to create and share that energy with each and every person in your audience, leaving them feeling that you're the most amazing speaker. This is a must-have technique that most presenters are completely unaware of.
  • Understanding and Using Group Psychology
    Understand the psychology of groups and how you can create a leadership role for yourself in the shortest time possible. Ensure that your audience bonds quickly and deeply, making your events even more profound for them. There are certain stages of "evolution" that every group will go through. You'll understand the psychology of groups so you can assist them in bonding and looking to you as a leader.
  • Inside Secrets of Making Money as a Professional Speaker
    Learn the tricks of the trade - the secrets to the speaking and training business. You'll learn several models for creating powerful events and creating a lucrative career as a professional speaker. You'll learn how to book your own events and get booked to speak at others' events. This information is delivered in powerful home study courses, so the five days of the training is dedicated to making you the best speaker you can be, and when you're ready to make money, you can dive into the in-depth home study training.
  • How to Become an Authority in Your Field, Almost Overnight
    You'll learn the secrets of how to create instant prestige and authority for yourself, including the creation of online videos, teleseminars, webinars, TV and radio interviews.
  • How to Market Yourself as a Speaker
    You'll learn tips and tricks from the best in the industry, including Influence to Profit founder Michael Stevenson and others, to create a marketable brand for yourself and get yourself seen. Marketing is simple when you have the right system, and we'll share that system with you.
  • How to Sell Products, Services and Events from the Stage
    You'll learn how to create your own products, services and events, and then sell them from the stage. Learn how to create an urgency for your offering that will have people stumbling over each other to get to the back table and buy. You'll learn what to say, how to sequence your power point presentation and more. This is the one skill most speakers are missing that they desperately need the most to thrive in this field, and you will receive this knowledge from experts in the field.
  • How to Create a Signature Sales Presentation
    We will give you the step-by-step formula for selling nearly anything on stage. We have used this formula for closing sales from $1,000 to $50,000 in just 90 minutes. You'll get the specific strategies and the slide-by-slide PowerPoint presentation to model your talks after.
  • How to Create and Present Online Presentations and Webinars
    We will teach you how to create and present your own "webinars" and online presentations from home. You'll learn our high-converting webinar formula for selling high-dollar items online. You'll also learn how to build your own inexpensive, professional video "set" that you can store and use at home (even in a small studio apartment). Be ready to learn how to do video presentations that make you look like an expert!
  • And SO Much More...

"I just got back from my very first completely solo paid event. Meaning, 60+ people actually paid to come see me speak in Montreal. I must say I was certainly nervous, but just as we trained, as soon as I took the stage, boom, everything was clear and I was free flowing.

"Never once did I stall or 'get inside my head.' I was able to tell some jokes, and even engage the audience in questions to keep them alive while I talked about a relatively dry subject.

"I have to say, there is no way I would have so easily fell into a natural rhythm on stage without taking your course."

Jordan Woods, California

"Little did I know that the sequence of events that I just called 'my life' would be so inspiring to others that I could learn how to help other people, too.

"Speaking is the most fulfilling thing I've ever done. You have a story, too, and it will inspire others once you learn how to tell it."

Michael StevensonFounder of Ethical Marketing Academy and Transform Destiny.Best-Selling Author | International Speaker | Business Consultant and Coach | Multi-Million Dollar Business Owner

The Most Comprehensive Speaker Training Available Anywhere

Most speaker trainings focus on only one of two things: either the skills of speaking without stage fright, or the business of speaking.

Only this professional speaker training gives you the complete package.

Not only will you learn the skills of being a magnificent speaker, you'll learn how to create your speaker business from the ground up, how to market yourself effectively, and how to establish yourself as a recognized expert almost overnight.

If you've ever felt the calling to do something truly profound in your life, this is the chance you've been waiting for.

And because we are so passionate about helping more people become speakers in the world, right now, for a short time this is also one of the most affordable comprehensive speaker trainings you'll find anywhere.

There are no prerequisites for this course, though we recommend taking the Create Your Life: NLP Experience home study which is included as a bonus at no additional charge — a $1,000 value).

Les Brown

One of the World's Top Five Motivational Speakers Talks about Michael Stevenson, Founder of Influence to Profit

You'll get five days of intensive, immersive, professional speaker training with your instructor, a certified Trainer who is often recognized as an expert in speaking.

When you walk out, you'll be confident and comfortable on stage, whether you're in front of 10 people or 10,000 people.

"After taking your class last week... I sat down and revamped my closing for my Body By Vi party, which was today. The response was amazing!

"I closed 100% of the room. Everybody there signed as a customer!"

Michele Gutman, Body by Vi Distributor

Learn to Speak, Run Events, and Sell From a Real Professional

We have personally organized and held over 810 successful live events in multiple countries and our instructors have spoken on some of the most prestigious stages in the world. In our time of professional speaking, our instructors have shared the stage with the likes of:

  • Jack Canfield: Co-Author of Chicken Soup for the Soul, and Co-Star with Michael Stevenson in the movie The Evolution of Success
  • Joe Vitale: "Mr. Fire," "the Hypnotic Marketer," Co-Star of The Secret, and Co-Star with Michael Stevenson in the movie The Evolution of Success
  • Glen Morshower: Motivational Speaker and Actor (24, West Wing, Dallas, Transformers, Pearl Harbor, and More)
  • Bob Doyle: Co-Star of The Secret and Co-Star with Michael Stevenson in the movie The Evolution of Success
  • Kevin Harrington: Shark Tank
  • Laural Langmeier: International Speaker
  • Joe Sugarman: Legendary Copywriter
  • Forbes Riley: TV Host and Creator of Spin Gym
  • JAMES MALINCHAK: ABC's Secret Millionaire
  • Mike Filsaime: Creator of WebinarJam and GrooveKart
  • Roger Love: Voice Trainer for Glee and other Hollywood Actors
  • Betsy Chasse: Creator of the Movie What the Bleep Do We Know?!
  • Stedman Graham: International Best-Seller
  • Bryan Tracey: Legendary speaker, sales trainer, and author of Eat that Frog
  • Duff McKagan: Guns 'n Roses
  • Les Brown: One of the Top Five Motivational Speakers in the World and An Inspiration to All Speakers
  • And many others
  • Kathrin Zenkina: Manifestation Coach and Owner of Manifestation Babes
  • Rubin Mata: Owner of Stand Development, International Speaker Who Has Spoken at the UN, and in South Korea with 200,000 in Attendance
  • Carlos Marquez: International Speaker and, Now, Star on Hispanic TV
  • Matt Brauning: International Speaker and Top Podcaster
  • Sandra Fidelis: Business Coach to Women Entrepreneurs
  • Sudip Bose: International Speaker, Medal of Honor Winner, and CBS News Correspondent
  • Reese Evans: Owner of Yes Supply and Top Coach Trainer in Canada
  • And many others

Our Iron-Clad Guarantee to You

100% "No B.S." and "No Pitch Fest" Guarantees

We guarantee that you will learn valuable, easy-to-use business strategies that can grow your business with zero fluff and no B.S. We value your time as highly as we value ours and promise not to waste either. You will be absolutely delighted with the quality and volume of the content and we will take on all the risk to prove it.

We also guarantee that this event will not be a "pitch fest." There is a disturbing trend where promoters organize an event only to fill the stage with speaker after speaker who simply tease and pitch you, one after another. This event is different.

If you feel like your time has been wasted or feel that this event is a "pitch fest," simply return your materials by the end of the second day and we will issue a full and complete refund of your investment, no hassles.

Pick a Date and Location Below!

Join us for the Speaking to Profit live event for our 19th year of teaching professional speaker trainings.

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